The local alder tree with a burnished bronze bark gives this room its quintessential character. The wood of the tree has been ingeniously used as towel stands, toilet paper holders and wedges for mirrors all over the nooks of the house. Done in shades of indigo this majestic suite has an anteroom too – perfect for a small family to play a raucous game of monopoly or work out a 1000 piece puzzle from the collection in the living room. It opens out to the verandah on the ground floor and has a patch garden at the back.

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Seduction by indigo - cool blues captivate you in their balmy depths

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Breezy blues give way to the comfort of leather and wood, spot lit by the Arco lamp

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The spaces in this room seem to expand – complete in themselves yet in essence part of the whole

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The ante room - the comfort of this dy bed may want to make you laze all day

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The enclosed garden, a work in progress…

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The expansive bathroom - demarcated spaces for obvious activities yet once again experienced as a whole